Minimum Roll Amount For Oversized Projects
To help you judge how much film is truly needed on a your next multi‐story decorative window film project we developed an easy‐to‐use Excel Matrix.
For example:
You have a nice project of 50 panels @ 46” x 104”. The quick math would be 434 feet or 4.34 standard rolls of film. Typically, you would order 4.5 rolls of film and call it good.
Not good, the minimum with perfect pulls and no scrap would be 4.55 standard rolls of film.
On top of missing film, you know have to deal with additional costs correcting the issue:
What did missing by 5 feet cost:
- Expedited shipping – Why is it the nearest roll is three time zones away?
- With cut down charges of $25‐$50 dollars – especially with films not normally stocked.
- Ordering additional film
- Additional trip to the job site
- Labor to install the one or two extra panels.
- Set up and break down.
- Installers putting game face on and making the company look good no matter who was responsible within the company.
- Drive time – In LA a 20 minute drive could quickly turn into 4 hour drive at the wrong time of day.
- Possible afterhours or weekend work – Nobody is happy but your company has to bend over backwards to keep client happy.
- Customer service
- Most clients understand but there are times when deadlines need to be met.
- Occasionally – knocking digits off the final bill is necessary to stay in the client’s good graces.
- Staff scrambles to correct issue
- Processor ‐1‐2 hours explaining to client, installers and the boss.
- Installers ‐1‐2 hours double checking the math, the dimensions and what’s already been installed.
- Boss ‐1‐2 hours double checking everything to keep client happy, to offer training and counseling, to pick flung paper off ground, pull thrown phone from drywall and wipe hair off clothes inadvertently pulled out in silent, frustrated chunks.
If anything, the wasted time above is conservative and doesn’t account for the emotional load everyone feels while
trying to maintain day‐to‐day activities.
The same project of 50 panels @ 46” x 104” would be better calculated below.

L1 is the first purple cell, L2 is the second, L3 is the third, L4 is the first yellow cell and L5 is the second.
- For the formulas you will need to substitute L1–L5 for the actual cell labels where‐ever you place this in your spreadsheet.
- L1, L2, and L3 are the only cells your processor/salesperson inputs numbers.
- It is recommended to keep master copy on each desktop in case formulas are overwritten.
How to build the Matrix in your spreadsheets:
- L1 ‐for every 50 panels, it is safe to add 1 panel in compliance with Murphy’s Law.
- Field conditions and installers skill level will let you know how many extra panels should be accounted for.
- In this case 50 panels becomes 51 panels.
- L2 ‐it is safe to add 1‐2 inches for every pull in compliance with Murphy’s Law.
- In this case 104” panels become 106” panels.
- L3 – the first/last feet are usually non‐usable and manufacturers miss on perfect lengths.
- Recommended roll lengths would be:
- 96‐98 on 100ft rolls
- 140‐145 on 150ft rolls
- 72 on 75ft rolls
- L4 – Maximum number of full pulls you can get out of a roll of film.
- o All decimals are rounded down as no one has invented a film stretcher yet.
- o Formula
- =ROUNDDOWN((L3*12)/L2,0)
- L5 – Rolls and percentage of additional roll needed to complete job.
- o The matrix includes usable roll length then 64% of a 150 foot roll would equal 96 feet. Where‐as if this
- was a 100 foot roll 64% would obviously equal 64 feet.
- Formula
- =L1/L4
- L6 – Full rolls needed for job
- Formula
- =ROUNDDOWN((L1/L4),0)
- L7 ‐Additional linear feet needed
- This one line affects your overhead.
- Occasionaly a foot is lost because of all the rounding, since typical partials are in 25’ lengths this is not an issue.
- Formula
- =ROUNDUP((((L1/L4)‐L6)*L3),0)
Final result ‐Surveyor orders 4.75 rolls of film which is safe and limits overhead.
With this matrix added to your survey spread sheets, it is HDClear’s hope less mistakes will be made on the front end of custom printed decorative window film project.