Crisp printing with true colors.
Glass is completely covered with film and art is seamlessly married across multiple panels.
Images appear to be captured by the glass as there are no edges exposed. Our work is often believed to be photo-shopped images. Our printing is good enough to stretch believability.
One of the more beautiful projects we are proud to have worked on. All glass panels are completely covered in film. The printed areas are stunning and the non-printed areas are glass clear.
This Dance studio wanted a visual break between the pedestrians and the studio. The client was leery of branded graphics and standard marketing language. The colored smoke and high definition dancers create and effective visual barrier which offers enough privacy for the students inside. The dancers advertised which arts were being taught in the studio. Caught in the act of motion this type of advertising speaks to the body and captures the imagination of young students.
The colored smoke is positioned right below eye level. This means interested people can step up to the glass and look in while passerby’s can move simply enjoy the art. An HDClear 2 print process was used on the smoke. HDClear 2 allows light to pass through with all colors staying bright and true.
HDClear 4 is a more aggressive print and opaque’s the image. The print resists light passing through and if you study the dancers you can see the light and shadows of the images are printed as such. Yes background lighting plays a role in the figures presentation but it is muted when compared to the colored smoke.
HDClear 4 is used for many purposes. In this case the dancers appear with the exact same definition both on the inside surface and outside surface. This way the image is not dependent on a light source to project clarity. HDClear 4 is closer to standard photography and ignores light passing through the middle of the image. The art presents the same during daytime and nighttime lighting.
HDClear 2 on the other hand wants to borrow light as it passes through to help the image ‘glow’. We use this style of printing for office spaces as it helps mute the clarity and diminishes shadows. Remember HDClear 2 wants light to pass through.
All in all this project did a great job of blending two print processes HDClear 4dancers for greater clarity and HDClear 2 for ‘glowing’ colored smoke.
- Custom Printed
- HDClear 2
- HDClear 4
- Optically Clear Window Film